I am so glad you stopped by!


When I opened my store, A Plus Classroom Creations, on Teachers Pay Teachers, I had no idea how much I would grow to love creating resources and connecting with other teachers! I strongly believe that our youngest learners should be exposed to deep, meaningful content in a fun and developmentally appropriate way. I am passionate about creating engaging activities that help students flourish!


In over 30 years of teaching, I have taught kindergarten, first, and second grades… but first grade is my all-time favorite! I love it when my students have that “lightbulb moment” when they learn something new!


When I’m not busy with school, my husband, Joe, and I love gardening and cooking.  I also love to read and, in my spare time, catch up on everything on Bravo (my guilty pleasure)!


I hope you will grab your favorite beverage (coffee for me, please) maybe a little snack, and take a look around!  I’m sure you’ll find something here to inspire you!


On my blog, you’ll find articles filled with teaching strategies, organizational ideas, and other resources to help you improve your teaching.


n my teaching resource shop, you’ll find tons of ready-to-use resources for literacy centers, math activities, homework ideas, anchor charts, classroom decor, and more!


Thank you so much for visiting my little corner of the Internet.  I love being able to share my ideas with you!  You can also find me on Instagram and

If you want to take your literacy instruction to the next level, you are in the right place!

I’m Kristen, and I created How to Teach Writing Like a Boss!  I see way too many primary teachers struggle with how to teach writing.  Feeling frustrated and overwhelmed because you aren’t getting the results you are hoping for? Don’t know where to start when it comes to teaching writing? Or do you what to strengthen your writing craft?  Whatever you need….. I’ve got you!  


With over 30 years of teaching experience in teaching literacy in grades K-2, I have I have tried it all! After a lot of trial-and-error, I’ve figured out a way to get the results! I can save you time and frustration by sharing what I have learned with you!

What are you waiting for? Grab your FREE copy!